Warhammer Return Of Reckoning

  • Warhammer Online - Return of Reckoning. 18 hrs We're going to participate in a LIVE Q&A and we'd like to receive all the questions you have in mind!
  • A small tutorial on Realms (Factions) and classes available in the game, as seen in the Real(m) Talk. The weekly content analyzing game patch notes and aspec.
  1. Warhammer Return Of Reckoning Builds
  2. Warhammer Return Of Reckoning Races

This was the first commentary I have made in over three years so I am pretty rusty but nonetheless it is good to be back. In this one we check out Warhammer. All highlights are from my stream:D Follow me!TWITTER everyone!

  • 3Presented Addons

Addon Repository

The main repository is hosted at Idrinth's Tools. Most of the following addon links go to the site.

Addon Forum

Some additional addons and discussion about addons can be found on the forums. This is a good place to get a complete UI as well.

Presented Addons

Warhammer return of reckoning skaven token

Important / Crucial Addons

Warhammer Return Of Reckoning Builds

EnemyAll in one addon that has most desired tools like custom WB unit frames, marking players, combat log, statistics, intercom channelDownload & more information
BuffheadBest addon to track buffs/debuffs on players, easy to customize for personal preferencesDownload & more information
PureAnother customize for unit frames like player frame, primary target and secondary target frame

better display for effects and HUD over targets and possibility to see targets HP in % values (important for PvE encounters)

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AggroMeterA must-have addon for PvE groups but not only, also useful in RvR when it comes to tanking Keep Lords or Fort LordsDownload & more information
DaoCBuffSimilar to Pure but much better customization of displaying effectsDownload & more information
SwiftAssistAddon that allows you for east and fast assisting, very easy to use and crucial for small scale fightsDownload & more information
RoR_SoRThis addon allow you to see current state of the campaign, status of other zones is refreshing all the timeDownload & more information
MoraleCircleAddon that let you customize how your morale bar looks like

It allows you to inform your group what is the status of your morale

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TidyRollWith that addon you can replace default window that popping every time you get a loot

You can automatically setup default need/greed/pass options for each category of medallions

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Helpful / Useful Addons

TidyChatAddon that improve your chat windows also allows you to copy text from chatDownload & more information
ThinkOutLoudAddon that allows you to assign text to the ability

When you gonna use certain ability it will also pop text into chat channel, very helpful to inform your groups

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PlanBIf you play Swordmaster or Black Orc you will love this addon, it will automatically switch hot-bars depends on your current stanceDownload & more information
ClosetGoblinThis addon will allow you to switch gear with 1 click, simply you make set, you save it

With one click you can switch between sets, you can even assign tactics to set

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BankArkelIf you play a lot different toons then you will love this addon, it will allow you to see inventory of your toons without switching you characterDownload & more information

Optional / Visual Addons

WarboardThis addon is a bar that you can put on top or bottom of screen

Contain all the information you want to see like your current gold, time, RR or Influence and much more, compatible with other addons

There is plenty of extension for this addon, for example 'Warboard_zonepop' that will allow you to scan population of zones

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TexturedButtonsAdds a few options to your hotbars, button textures, and fonts.Download & more information
nRarityThis simple addon creates a small colored border around items in your inventory to indicate their rarityDownload & more information
ShiniesVery powerful auction house manager, not only provide better view of auctions

Has save search filter so with only one click allows you to find items you are looking for

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New developed addons by Sullemunk

DingShouts out your rank / renown level when leveling upDownload & more information
StatdollProvides character stats attributes and secondary stats in a movable window with optional DPS/AbillityPower windowsDownload & more information
DuelMakes dueling a bit easyer by displaying a visual window when issuing/getting a duel challangeDownload & more information
HarbingerShows Zealot (RunePriest) Harbinger stance, mimicing the style of other stance rescource classesDownload & more information
CoolDownLineTracks ability cooldowns from your actionbar on an timeline bar with moving icons that accelerates as the cooldown decreasesDownload & more information
LootAlertAlerts you if you receive loot in the alert ticker with sound and text, so you don't need to constatly check the chatlog if you won a loot roll etc...Download & more information
DeathBlow2A addon that displays and announces your kills/deaths as alerts and keeping track of your kill/death scoreDownload & more information
CCtvShows notification window when you get effected by CrowdControllDownload & more information
WarBuilderThe Warhammer Online ingame career builderDownload & more information
Thank The ResserAddon that automaticly says a custom phrase upon ressurectionDownload & more information
ZonePOPAddon that shows you the population in your current zoneDownload & more information
GetStatsAddon that display the results of .getstats in a movable windowDownload & more information
RoR DebolsterAddon which checks if you can debolster and flag yourself for RvRDownload & more information
WhatsCookingTracks your WitchElfs WitchBrew stacksDownload & more information

Warhammer Return Of Reckoning Races

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